Effective management of a goat herd requires regular testing for prevalent diseases to maintain the animals' health. The following are common diseases tested annually:
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE): a viral disease that can result in arthritis, pneumonia, and neurological issues.
Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL): a bacterial infection causing abscesses, typically around the lymph nodes.
Johne's Disease: a bacterial infection leading to chronic diarrhea and weight loss. To mitigate these diseases, we implement stringent biosecurity measures by conducting annual tests and quarantining and testing any new goats introduced to the herd.
Parasites: Regular fecal examinations are conducted to monitor and manage internal parasites such as the Barber Pole Worm.
Q Fever: a bacterial infection caused by Coxiella burnetii, can lead to abortion in goats and flu-like symptoms in humans.
Routine testing, robust biosecurity practices, and appropriate vaccination programs are essential to prevent the spread of these diseases within the herd.